Page name: FF7 Personal Char [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-23 20:21:07
Owner: Rat Hacker
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Blood Type:


User: [Dark Shiva]
Name: Megan Moore
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125lbs

Hair length: Short
Hair color: Purple
Eye color: Teal
Outfit: Wears the typical Turk uniform, black boots, and open fingered gloves
Accessories /Tattoos:Black earrings

Weapons and Abilities
Weapon(s): Wrist blades, and Moon Stars
Abilites(s): Danger Sense, Ultraviolet (UV) Vision, Speed, Agility, and Stealth
Strengths: Some how manages to always stay calm no matter the situtation
Weakness: Has little to no patence when it comes to dealing with Reno hitting on her

Personal Info
Personality: Quite, sarcastic, and dose not tolorate nonsense during a mission
History: Megan was one of Hojo's expirements to make the perfect human. She was exposed to a high level of Mako, highly increasing her speed, strength, agility, senses, as well as gaining a sixth sense. Unfrontionatley, the high exposure to Mako, has also, brainwashed Megan of most of her memories. When the expirement came to an end, Megan, was promoted as a member of the Turks.
Main Quote: "...Why are you talking to me...?"

Username:[Hiro Kitaki]
Charater name:...Gambit
Height:6 foot 6 inches

Hair length:long to small of back.
Hair color:...pure white...
Eye mix
Outfit: Gambit wears a open longcoat that is black with his huge sword on his back, his pants are red as are his shoes.
Accessories /Tattoos:...none...

weapons and abilities
Weapons: sword that he keeps on his back because of its size
Abilities: ultra speed and strength, also a master stratigest
Strengths:can figure a way out of almost any situation.
Weaknesses: his tendacy to avoid others.

Personal info
Personality: gambit is a loner but fells the ned to fight a lot.
Bloodtype: O
History: Gambit was born in midgar and at the age of 18 was accecpted into the sholider project and exposed to extreme mako raidation, giving him increased strenght and speed. when he learned the rest of the current test subjects died he fled and became a sword for hire. now he seeks to prove his existance.

User: [Erubeus]
Name: Lex
Age: 21
Gender: Male, but looks somewhat like a female in his cloak... but when the cloak comes off he looks like a man again ^^
Height: 6' 8"
Weight: 165

Hair length: Stops at his neck but his bangs are about the equvilant of his face.
Hair color: Chestnut brown
Eye color: Purple, his eyes have a black ring around them.
Outfit: Wears a typical pair of pants, doesn't matter what color, and a white or black t-shirt. His hands sheilded with a pair of diamond knitted gloves but they stop at his knuckles and they are black, and a black cloak.
Accessories /Tattoos:A tattoo of what seems to be a flaming pair of wings, only it is black, also a couple stripes going right across his cheek.

Weapons and Abilities
Weapon(s): A pair of brass knuckles and a broad sword strapped to his back. Also a couple of swords he keeps at his sides.
Abilites(s): The inhanced abilities from the toxic substance.
Strengths: Hand to hand combat skills and his inhanced abilities.
Weakness: His hand to hand combat skills and his rampages...x.x;;

Personal Info
Personality: Semi quiet when serious, loud and outgoing when not serious, doesn't like to involve himself into anyone else's business, unless it involves fighting...Then he'll back up the person he knew the longest out of the fighting.
History: Lex was born in his own world, to a psycho father and a love sick mother, only his psycho father wasn't psycho for no ornary reason...He was psycho because a toxic substance that he had been exposed to. Upon Lex's birth, the two parents figure out that the son was also that like his father. His mother and father wanted nothing to do with him, so they threw him out onto the streets at 5 months of age.
He was picked up by a passer byer, which happened to be a Turk, and raised him. The toxic substance began to sink into his blood cells when he was about 5, as he was practicing with another being. The toxic seemed to make his punches stronger, his eye sight clearer, he was just the complete opposite of his father in every way, shape and form. He felt triumphant for being so strong at his age, so smart and so controlled. As he grew, the more he gained control of his abillities more and more. Only one day of the year does his mind suddenly lose control and he goes on a bloody rampage, killing everything in sight.
He began to travel when he reached 18 when he was abused by the Turk that found him when he was younger. He took off unexpectedly, never to be seen by the turks again... or so he thought. He does the best he can to control his mind in the rampage state, but always fails but luckily he's never around anybody to attack or kill.
Something he doesn't know about himself is that he can become invisible to the human eyes, a power that has only reveiled itself only once when he was escaping the Turks territory.
Blood Type: AB+
Main Quote:"...Stop complaining, it only makes it worse..."

Name: Vail
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6’5"
Weight: 141
Blood Type: B

Hair length: Right under shoulder blades. He doesn’t brush it and it’s kind of curly. He usually wears it in a loose ponytail.
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Dark purple with gold outer rings.
Outfit: Usual Turk uniform and converse. He wanted to add to personality to it so he wears a checkered belt with gold chains hanging off of it. If not in uniform, he wears jeans and a white coat with orange buckles.
Accessories /Tattoos:One earing.

Weapons and Abilities
Weapon(s): A “pistol sword.” (Basically a gunblade, but it actually shoots bullets.) Vail’s is a combo of a large black pistol and two shortswords on either side. The “gunblade” is referred to as “Skuld’s Rebellion”.
Abilites(s): Heightened speed/agility, accuracy, and hearing. His heart beats much slower than a normal person’s so he won’t bleed to death as fast. Somehow, thanks to the toxic exposure, this fact doesn’t slow him don’t much.
Strengths: Usually stubborn. Doesn’t take many things seriously. Although this sounds like a weakness, it enables him to not freak out often by the severity of a situation.
Weakness: After going for a long time, his speed plumets. Also, because his heart beats abnormally slow, he’ll randomly pass out when overworked for a long period of time. He doesn’t take things seriously when he really SHOULD. He’s also a little bit crazy.

Personal Info
Personality: Loud, obnoxious, and carefree. On a mission, he may become serious and much quiter. Though he hides it, he is an extreme pessimic.
History: Vail and his sister, Vix, were raised by their parents until about 5 years ago. Their parents, killed when a strange toxic substance was put into their food, were both unemployed. Vail and Vix managed to avoid the same fate as their parents by not eating that day. (The food was burnt so they refused.) Instead, Vail gained heightened agility, speed, hearing and slower heart rate, and was driven slightly insane, from only making direct hand contact with the contaminated food. Also, the siblings knew that their parents’ death was no accident. So in their quest to find the person responsible, they joined the Turks, believing that it would open them up to the information needed to find the murderer. Instead, they found nothing, and ended up working for the Turks for no reason. Vail doesn’t mid working for them and sees it as an opportunity to try more things.
Main Quote: "Pshyeah. Right. And that makes you retarded. <3"

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2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...well i could become an oroginal charater...

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...hello?

2006-12-04 [Dark Shiva]: You really should ask us first before making a char T^T

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: said i could join?

2006-12-04 [Dark Shiva]: I said yoiu could JOIN! Not make a char XP

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...ok sorry...wan me to delete him?

2006-12-04 [Dark Shiva]: Yeah. But save him so when [Rat Hacker] comes you can aske him. I think he wanted most of the chars picked for playing first before anyone makes chars ((I had an expection though cuzz me a boss! XD lol))

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...ok...

2006-12-04 [Dark Shiva]: Sorry. I just incharge of of making sure everything dosn't get too out of hand. So I'm just doing me job.

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...

2006-12-04 [Dark Shiva]: <img:44166_1164145230.gif>

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: <img:61691_1132936287.gif>  its ok...just let me know when he is on ok?

2006-12-04 [Rat Hacker]: Gah peoples time zones, and school make it pretty hard to say when exactly I'll be on, sorry. I try and get on every night even if it's not for too long. Plust I've been having trouble with the wireles keyboard and mouse, the keyboard being the problem. Gah fixing that is annoying, well not really but it is when you have to do it every few minutes. Anyhow sorry about the absence. I'll try and be on later tonight as well.

2006-12-04 [Rat Hacker]: No offence but does anyone take regard to the postage that was left above on what to include. Oh well that's all covered in this. Besides [Dark Shiva]'s way is really descriptive and I think I like that...

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...i did it to?

2006-12-04 [Rat Hacker]: Tha't okay I don't care. What you did was fine.

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...if you look closly...i included it all...

2006-12-04 [Rat Hacker]: I said it was fune the way it is, I wasn't yelling at you or mad at you about it. Sorry if it came across that way.

2006-12-04 [Hiro Kitaki]: didnt...just like to be apprecited is all...

2006-12-13 [KnightAngel]: Just need the name for my character and then I'm ready ^_^ <.<

2007-01-25 [Dark Shiva]: Hey have we started ro'ing yet? I just checking is all ^_^

2007-01-26 [Hiro Kitaki]: dunno...

2007-01-26 [Dark Shiva]: Okies. I'm just checking ^_^

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